
Untitled, Mischtechnik auf Papier

Untitled, Mischtechnik auf Papier

Untitled, Mischtechnik auf Papier
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Korinna Pretro was born in Saint Petersburg, Russia in 1940.
Korina Pretro, a Russian of French descent, was mainly involved in Russian life and influenced by
Russian culture. Especially, she was affected by Russian fairy tales. She inherited the talent and
passion for drawing from her greatuncle, famous architect I.A. Pretro.
Since 1959-1965 Korinna Pretro attended the St.Petersburg Academy of Arts, the faculty of Graphic Arts,
which she graduated with honors in 1965; since 1967 she started collaborating with various publishers
in Russia, hence she illustrated a big number of children’s books and became a distinguished artist.
Since 1970 she is a member of the Union of Russian Artists in Saint Petersburg.
Her successful attendance on exhibitions in Russia and abroad began in 1970. In 1972 her works were
presented at the Art Academy Students‘Final Works Exhibitions in Moscow and Saint Petersburg, followed
solo and group art exhibitions in Prag, Budapest, Bologna, Rome, Venice, Barcelona and Paris.
In 1988 Korinna took part in the 1st Biennale "I Biennale del libro illustrato per l'infanzia:
i più importanti illustratori europei" and won the Audience Award. In 2003 her works were honored
by the Art Academy with the Golden Medal. Korinna lives and works in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Her works have the distinction of being stylish and completed to a high professional standard.
She applies to different painting techniques: pastel, watercolor painting and dry-point etching;
she illustrated more than 30 books in leading publishers of Russia.
Her works are kept in the collections of the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow,
in the State Russian Museum in Saint Petersburg, in the State Museum of the History of Religion
(St. Petersburg), in the State Museum of Urban Sculpture (St Petersburg), in the National Library
of Russia (St Petersburg), in the Vatican Museum, in the State Museum-Reserve of A.S. Pushkin,
in the Central Exhibition Hall "Manege" (St Petersburg), in the State Art Gallery in Belgorod
and also in the private collections and galleries in Russia, Germany, England, France, Italy and USA.
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