"Power of Art is not in the style of art, but it is in the expression of your individuality, in sincerity and honesty."
Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi (1841-1910)
The Gallery J&L Fortak was founded in 1999 in Germany with the aim to exhibit and promote contemporary Russian art by artists living in Russia and abroad, whose artistic career is inseparably linked with the development of history of Russian art.

Among the artists of the second culture are Valery G. Traugot, Valery Lukka, Alexander Lozmann, Lev Tabenkin, Nikolai Nasedkin, Dimitri Flegontov, Victor Permjakov.
These names are famous not only in Russia, but in Europe and USA. The works of the artists belong to the collections of leading international art museums.
Being specialised on Russian art, we organize special thematic exhibitions, trying to give our audience the possibility to understand the place of represented names in the artistic process.
Among such exhibitions are :"Visual metamorphoses", personal exhibition of Moscow artist-abstractionist Wiktor Nikolaew, organised in the Automobile Centre Toyota, Cuxhaven in 2002; the exhibition, dedicated to the 300th - anniversary of Saint Petersburg, which took place on the 15th of April, 2003 in the Gallery of the ELYSEE Hotel, Hamburg and was illuminated in the German and Russian press; the exhibition "German architects of 18-20 centuries in Saint Petersburg in paintings and drawings of contemporary Russian artists", prepared together with the group "Reflection", Saint Petersburg and presented in May 2003 in Berlin; the exhibition "Time. Style. Names. , the exhibition connected eight names of the leading art schools of Russia, the representatives of two art generations.
The periods of breaks and reconstructions of society and culture have always some common features. The creation of artists, represented in the gallery, proves: general human truths are eternal. During the reconstructions the truths do not change, but the postulates change. People change, trying to find their own way, arranging their life and relations.
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