
W. Manochin. Blaues Interieur, 1994
Öl auf Leinwand 100x130

W. Manochin. Interieur mit Kachelofen, 1999
Öl auf Leinwand 130x100

W. Manochin. Stillleben mit grünen Hintergrund, 1999
Öl auf Leinwand 90x120

W. Manochin. Paris. Brücke, 2001 Öl auf Leinwand 45x50

W. Manochin. Stillleben mit weißen Hintergrund, 1998
Öl auf Leinwand 90x100
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Born in 1959 in Moscow, Russia.
1982 graduated from Moscow Polygraph Institute
1988 member of the Union of Artists of Russia
His works are exhibited since 1984 in Russia and abroad:
1993, 1995 Central Exhibition Hall, Moscow
1994 group exhibition in Santhoven, Belgium
1996 group exhibition in Antwerpen, Belgium
1995, 1997 Art-Manege, International exhibition in Moscow
1995 International Exhibition in Bilbo, Spain
1997 International Exhibition in Köln Veldeshaim, Germany
1997 personal exhibition in Central Exhibition Hall, Moscow
2000 the exhibition in "a la Cite des Arts" Paris, France
2002-2003 Museum Project "Traditions and Innovations"
Travel exhibition:
Central Exhibition Hall St. Petersburg, Central Art Museum, Vologda, Central Art Museum, Jaroslavl
2003 ART-Manege: St. Petersburg-Moscow
Numerous of paintings belong to the collections of State Russian Museum, Saint Petersburg,
Central Art Museums of Jaroslavl, Vologda, Rjasan, Kursk, to the Museum of Ministry of Culture, Russia,
Museum of Moscow Union of Artists, private collections and galleries of Russia, France, Germany, Belgium.