
Alexander Lozmann. Weinende Frau, 1991
Mischtechnik auf Leinwand, 70 x 90 cm

Alexander Lozmann. Wiege mit Glocke, 1997
Öl auf Leinwand, 70 x 55 cm

Alexander Lozmann. Kinderstillleben, 2008
Ö auf Leinwand, 70 x 60 cm

Alexander Lozmann. Wintertag, 2005
Öl auf Leinwand, 60 x 80 cm
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Alexander Lozmann was born in 1947 in Achinsk, Krasnoyarsk region of Russia.
He graduated from Krasnoyarsk Art School named after V. Surikov in 1966.
1970 he came to Leningrad and continued his art studies in the Academy of Fine Arts Saint Petersburg till 1977.
Since 1975 he participated in the exhibitions of non-formal art in Moscow and Saint Petersburg.
Since 1981 he is a member of Union of Non-Conformists.
1980-90s - took part in a series of exhibitions in the Baltic towns — Riga and Tallinn
1990 - granted membership in the Petersburg Branch of the Union of Artists of Russia
1990 - participation in the exhibitions held in the European cities Hamburg, Bonn, Paris
1990 - participation in the Festival of the Russian Art in the USA (San Diego)
1999 - solo exhibition at N. Nekrasov Museum in St Petersburg
2002 - participation in the exhibition of contemporary painting in Richmond, USA
2003 - the exhibition of Saint Petersburg's artists at the State Tretyakov Gallery Moscow
2003 - the anniversary exhibition of Petersburg Union of Artists "Traditions and Innovations", held at the Central Exhibition Hall
His works are kept in the collections of the Museum of History of St Petersburg,
the Ministries of Culture of Estonia and Karelia,
Valaam Conservation Museum,
Nancy and Norton Dodge Collection of Nonconformist Art, USA.